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NtOpenDirectoryObject (ntdll)
C# Signature:
public static extern int NtOpenDirectoryObject(
out SafeFileHandle DirectoryHandle,
uint DesiredAccess,
ref OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes);
static void ObjectManagerTest()
SafeFileHandle h;
var attr = new OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES("\\", 0);
var st = Win32.NtOpenDirectoryObject(
out h, 1, ref attr);
if (st < 0) return;
var bufsz = 1024;
var buf = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bufsz);
uint context = 0, len;
for (; ; )
st = Win32.NtQueryDirectoryObject(h, buf, bufsz,
true, context == 0, ref context, out len);
if (st < 0) break;
Marshal.PtrToStructure(buf, typeof(OBJECT_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION));
"0x{0:X2}:{1,-25}{2}", context, odi.TypeName, odi.Name);
The OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES structure specifies attributes that can be applied to objects or object handles by routines that create objects and/or return handles to objects.
10/7/2014 6:47:44 AM - -
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