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<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet:=CharSet.Auto)> _
Public Class OpenFileName
Public structSize As Integer = 0
Public dlgOwner As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
Public instance As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
Public filter As String = Nothing
Public customFilter As String = Nothing
Public maxCustFilter As Integer = 0
Public filterIndex As Integer = 0
Public file As String = Nothing
Public maxFile As Integer = 0
Public fileTitle As String = Nothing
Public maxFileTitle As Integer = 0
Public initialDir As String = Nothing
Public title As String = Nothing
Public flags As Integer = 0
Public fileOffset As Short = 0
Public fileExtension As Short = 0
Public defExt As String = Nothing
Public custData As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
Public hook As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
Public templateName As String = Nothing
Public reservedPtr As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
Public reservedInt As Integer = 0
Public flagsEx As Integer = 0
End Class 'OpenFileName
Public Class LibWrap
'BOOL GetOpenFileName(LPOPENFILENAME lpofn);
Declare Auto Function GetOpenFileName Lib "Comdlg32.dll" ( _
<[In](), Out()> ByVal ofn As OpenFileName) As Boolean
End Class 'LibWrap
Private Function ShowOpen(Optional ByVal filter As String = (""All files" & ChrW(0) & "*.*" & ChrW(0)), _
Optional ByVal title As String = "Open File Dialog...", _
Optional ByVal defext As String = "*", _
Optional ByVal path As String = "C:\") As String
If LibWrap.GetOpenFileName(ofn) Then
Console.WriteLine("Selected file with full path: {0}", ofn.file)
Console.WriteLine("Selected file name: {0}", ofn.fileTitle)
Console.WriteLine("Offset from file name: {0}", ofn.fileOffset)
Console.WriteLine("Offset from file extension: {0}", ofn.fileExtension)
Return ofn.file
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Return System.String.Empty
End Try
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