SendInput (user32)
Last changed: -


C# Signature:

static extern uint SendInput(uint nInputs, INPUT [] pInputs, int cbSize);

User-Defined Types:

INPUT, and VK is used in the sample code.



Tips & Tricks:

Please add some!

Sample Code:

class Test
    void Test()
    INPUT structInput;
    structInput = new INPUT();
    structInput.type = Win32Consts.INPUT_KEYBOARD;

    // Key down shift, ctrl, and/or alt = 0; = 0; = 0; = Win32.GetMessageExtraInfo();
    if (Shift)
    { = (ushort)VK.SHIFT;
        intReturn = Win32.SendInput(1, ref structInput, (UInt32)sizeof(INPUT));
    if (Ctrl)
    { = (ushort)VK.CONTROL;
        intReturn = Win32.SendInput(1, ref structInput, (UInt32)sizeof(INPUT));
    if (Alt)
    { = (ushort)VK.MENU;
        intReturn = Win32.SendInput(1, ref structInput, (UInt32)sizeof(INPUT));
    if (Win)
    { = (ushort)VK.LWIN;
        intReturn = Win32.SendInput(1, ref structInput, (UInt32)sizeof(INPUT));
    // Key down the actual key-code = vk;
    intReturn = Win32.SendInput(1, ref structInput, (UInt32)sizeof(INPUT));
    // Key up the actual key-code = Win32Consts.KEYEVENTF_KEYUP;
    intReturn = Win32.SendInput(1, ref structInput, (UInt32)sizeof(INPUT));
    // Key up shift, ctrl, and/or alt
    if (Shift)
    { = (ushort)VK.SHIFT;
        intReturn = Win32.SendInput(1, ref structInput, (UInt32)sizeof(INPUT));
    if (Ctrl)
    { = (ushort)VK.CONTROL;
        intReturn = Win32.SendInput(1, ref structInput, (UInt32)sizeof(INPUT));
    if (Alt)
    { = (ushort)VK.MENU;
        intReturn = Win32.SendInput(1, ref structInput, (UInt32)sizeof(INPUT));
    if (Win)
    { = (ushort)VK.LWIN;
        intReturn = Win32.SendInput(1, ref structInput, (UInt32)sizeof(INPUT));

Alternative Managed API:

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