SHOpenWithDialog (shell32)
Last changed: anonymous

Shows the Windows File association API

C# Signature:

    [DllImport("shell32.dll", EntryPoint = "SHOpenWithDialog", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    private static extern int SHOpenWithDialog(IntPtr hWndParent, ref tagOPENASINFO oOAI);

User-Defined Types:

    private struct tagOPENASINFO
        public string cszFile;

        public string cszClass;

        public tagOPEN_AS_INFO_FLAGS oaifInFlags;

    private enum tagOPEN_AS_INFO_FLAGS
           OAIF_ALLOW_REGISTRATION =  0x00000001,   // Show "Always" checkbox
           OAIF_REGISTER_EXT =    0x00000002,   // Perform registration when user hits OK
           OAIF_EXEC =        0x00000004,   // Exec file after registering
           OAIF_FORCE_REGISTRATION =  0x00000008,   // Force the checkbox to be registration
           OAIF_HIDE_REGISTRATION =   0x00000020,   // Vista+: Hide the "always use this file" checkbox
           OAIF_URL_PROTOCOL =    0x00000040,   // Vista+: cszFile is actually a URI scheme; show handlers for that scheme
           OAIF_FILE_IS_URI =     0x00000080    // Win8+: The location pointed to by the pcszFile parameter is given as a URI

Alternative Managed API:

Do you know one? Please contribute it!


Requires Windows Vista or later; on earlier platforms, use rundll32 to run OpenAs

Tips & Tricks:

Please add some!

Sample Code:

    public static void DoOpenFileWith(string sFilename)
        if (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major > 5)
        IntPtr hwndParent = IntPtr.Zero;
        if (null != MyAppForm) hwndParent = MyAppForm.Handle;

        tagOPENASINFO oOAI = new tagOPENASINFO();
        oOAI.cszFile = sFilename;
        oOAI.cszClass = String.Empty;
        SHOpenWithDialog(hwndParent, ref oOAI);
        using (Process.Start("rundll32", "shell32.dll,OpenAs_RunDLL " + sFilename)) { }
