extern static short SQLAllocHandle(ushort HandleType, int InputHandle, out IntPtr OutputHandle);
Private Declare Auto Function SQLAllocHandle Lib "odbc32.dll" (ByVal HandleType As Short, ByVal InputHandle As IntPtr, ByRef OutputHandle As IntPtr) As Short
HandleType can be one of four values:
public const ushort SQL_HANDLE_ENV = 1;
public const ushort SQL_HANDLE_DBC = 2;
public const ushort SQL_HANDLE_STMT = 3;
public const ushort SQL_HANDLE_DESC = 4;
Please add some!
Please add some!
HERE is how to find SQL Server on the LAN. This code is taken from somebody else. I' just a bigginer in this field and I don't understand this the best way:
public class SqlLocator
private static extern short SQLAllocHandle(short hType, IntPtr inputHandle, out IntPtr outputHandle);
private static extern short SQLSetEnvAttr(IntPtr henv, int attribute, IntPtr valuePtr, int strLength);
private static extern short SQLFreeHandle(short hType, IntPtr handle);
[DllImport("odbc32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
private static extern short SQLBrowseConnect(IntPtr hconn, StringBuilder inString,
short inStringLength, StringBuilder outString, short outStringLength,
out short outLengthNeeded);
private const short SQL_HANDLE_ENV = 1;
private const short SQL_HANDLE_DBC = 2;
private const int SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION = 200;
private const int SQL_OV_ODBC3 = 3;
private const short SQL_SUCCESS = 0;
private const short SQL_NEED_DATA = 99;
private const short DEFAULT_RESULT_SIZE = 1024;
private const string SQL_DRIVER_STR = "DRIVER=SQL SERVER";
private SqlLocator() { }
public static string[] GetServers()
string[] retval = null;
string txt = string.Empty;
IntPtr henv = IntPtr.Zero;
IntPtr hconn = IntPtr.Zero;
StringBuilder inString = new StringBuilder(SQL_DRIVER_STR);
StringBuilder outString = new StringBuilder(DEFAULT_RESULT_SIZE);
short inStringLength = (short)inString.Length;
short lenNeeded = 0;
if (SQL_SUCCESS == SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, henv, out henv))
if (SQL_SUCCESS == SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, henv, out hconn))
if (SQL_NEED_DATA == SQLBrowseConnect(hconn, inString, inStringLength, outString,
DEFAULT_RESULT_SIZE, out lenNeeded))
if (DEFAULT_RESULT_SIZE < lenNeeded)
outString.Capacity = lenNeeded;
if (SQL_NEED_DATA != SQLBrowseConnect(hconn, inString, inStringLength, outString,
lenNeeded, out lenNeeded))
throw new ApplicationException("Unabled to aquire SQL Servers from ODBC driver.");
txt = outString.ToString();
int start = txt.IndexOf("{") + 1;
int len = txt.IndexOf("}") - start;
if ((start > 0) && (len > 0))
txt = txt.Substring(start, len);
txt = string.Empty;
catch (Exception ex)
//Throw away any error if we are not in debug mode
#if (DEBUG)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Acquire SQL Servier List Error");
txt = string.Empty;
if (hconn != IntPtr.Zero)
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hconn);
if (henv != IntPtr.Zero)
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, henv);
if (txt.Length > 0)
retval = txt.Split(",".ToCharArray());
return retval;
Do you know one? Please contribute it!