SQLAllocEnv (odbc32)
Last changed: Steve Waggoner-

SQLAllocEnv allocates memory for an environment handle and initializes the ODBC call level interface for use by an application. An application must call SQLAllocEnv prior to calling any other ODBC function.

C# Signature:

static extern short SQLAllocEnv(out IntPtr EnvironmentHandle);

VB Signature:

User-Defined Types:

    //return values
    const short SQL_SUCCESS             =   0;
    const short SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO   =   1;    
    const short SQL_STILL_EXECUTING     =   2;
    const short SQL_NEED_DATA           =  99;
    const short SQL_NO_DATA             = 100;
    const short SQL_ERROR               = (-1);
    const short SQL_INVALID_HANDLE      = (-2);

Alternative Managed API:

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Tips & Tricks:

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Sample Code:

    IntPtr environmentHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
    short  rc = SQLAllocEnv(out environmentHandle);
    if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
        throw new Exception("Failed to allocate environment handle.");

SQLAllocEnv on MSDN