NetShareGetInfo (netapi32)
Last changed:

Gets information about a single share. BufPtr points to a SHARE_INFO_2 structure. See NetShareEnum for example code of how to convert this to a usable structure.

C# Signature:

[DllImport("Netapi32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
public static extern int NetShareGetInfo(
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string serverName,
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string netName,
    Int32 level,
    out IntPtr bufPtr );

VB Signature:

Declare Unicode Function NetShareGetInfo Lib "netapi32.dll" _
            (ByVal ServerName As String, _
            ByVal ShareName As String, _
            ByVal Level As Long, _
            ByRef BufPtr As IntPtr) As Integer

User-Defined Types:



VB Def added by RACKLEY
VB.NET Code added from Ralph Mallamace based on conversions from VB code on other sites

Tips & Tricks:

Please add some!

Sample Code:


#Region "Constants"

    Const MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH As Integer = -1 ' originally 0

    Const ERROR_SUCCESS As Long = 0&            ' No errors encountered.
    Const NERR_Success As Long = 0&
    Const ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED As Long = 5&          ' The user has insufficient privilege for this operation.
    Const ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY As Long = 8&          ' Not enough memory
    Const ERROR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED As Long = 65&     ' Network access is denied.
    Const ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER As Long = 87&         ' Invalid parameter specified.
    Const ERROR_BAD_NETPATH As Long = 53&           ' The network path was not found.
    Const ERROR_INVALID_NAME As Long = 123&         ' Invalid name
    Const ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL As Long = 124&        ' Invalid level parameter.
    Const ERROR_MORE_DATA As Long = 234&            ' More data available, buffer too small.
    Const NERR_BASE As Long = 2100&
    Const NERR_NetNotStarted As Long = 2102&        '   Device driver not installed.
    Const NERR_RemoteOnly As Long = 2106&           '   This operation can be performed only on a server.
    Const NERR_ServerNotStarted As Long = 2114&         '   Server service not installed.
    Const NERR_BufTooSmall As Long = 2123&          '   Buffer too small for fixed-length data.
    Const NERR_RemoteErr As Long = 2127&            '   Error encountered while remotely.  executing function
    Const NERR_WkstaNotStarted As Long = 2138&          '  The Workstation service is not started.
    Const NERR_BadTransactConfig As Long = 2141&        '   The server is not configured for this transaction;  IPC$ is not shared.
    'Const NERR_NetNameNotFound As Long = 2310&         '   Sharename not found.
    Const NERR_NetNameNotFound As Long = (NERR_BASE + 210)  '   Sharename not found.
    Const NERR_InvalidComputer As Long = 2351&          '   Invalid computername specified.

#End Region ' "Constants"

#Region "API Calls With Structures"

    <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> _
    Structure SHARE_INFO_2
        <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)> Dim shi2_netname As String
        Dim shi2_type As Integer
        <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)> Dim shi2_remark As String
        Dim shi2_permissions As Integer
        Dim shi2_max_uses As Integer
        Dim shi2_current_uses As Integer
        <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)> Dim shi2_path As String
        <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)> Dim shi2_passwd As String
    End Structure

#End Region ' "API Calls With Structures"

#Region "Methods"

    <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)> Private sapiServer As String
    <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)> Private sapiShare As String
    <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)> Private sapiByteServer(1) As Char
    <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)> Private sapiByteShare(1) As Char

    Public Function CallAPI_NetShareGetInfo(ByVal NetSharePath as String)
        Dim Value as String        
        Dim sTemp as String
        Dim sServer as String
        Dim sShare As String
        Dim Result As Integer
        Dim pBuffer As New IntPtr(Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(SHARE_INFO_2)))
        Dim pCurrent As SHARE_INFO_2
        Dim sReturnBasePath as String

        ' Trim Beginning of NetSharePath into Value
        Value = NetSharePath.TrimStart

        ' Set temp string to start of server name
        If Value.Substring(0, 2) = "\\" Then
            sTemp = Value.Substring(2) 'Mid(Value, 3)
            sTemp = Value
        End If
        ' Set Server name to the end of the first \
        sServer = sTemp.Substring(0, sTemp.IndexOf("\"))
        ' Error if Server not set
        If sServer.Length = 0 Then
            ' Throw New Exception("FullPath  Error :- Server not specified")
            sapiServer = "\\" & sServer
        End If
        ' Set Temp String to be at start of Share
        sTemp = sTemp.Substring(sTemp.IndexOf("\") + 1)
        ' Check if a slash is included at the beginning of the temp string
        If sTemp.IndexOf("\") > 0 Then
            sShare = Left(sTemp, InStr(1, sTemp, "\") - 1)
            sTemp = Mid(sTemp, InStr(1, sTemp, "\"))
            sShare = sTemp
            sTemp = ""
        End If
        ' Set Share to Upper Case
        sapiShare = sShare.ToUpper
        ' Do API Call
        If sapiServer.Length > 0 Then
            'Set up Server as marshalled char array with a null char at the end
            ReDim sapiByteServer(sapiServer.Length)
            sapiServer.CopyTo(0, sapiByteServer, 0, sapiServer.Length)
            sapiByteServer(sapiServer.Length) = vbNullChar
            'Set up Share as marshalled char array with a null char at the end
            ReDim sapiByteShare(sapiShare.Length)
            sapiShare.CopyTo(0, sapiByteShare, 0, sapiShare.Length)
            sapiByteShare(sapiShare.Length) = vbNullChar
            ' Call API
            Result = Me.NetShareGetInfo(sapiByteServer, sapiByteShare, 2, pBuffer)
            ' Call API and get network info on the share
            ' Note: By Sending Null were looking at current machine
            Result = Me.NetShareGetInfo(vbEmpty, sapiByteShare, 2, pBuffer)
        End If

        ' Read info from buffer if no errors
        If Result = NERR_Success Then
            Dim currentPtr As IntPtr
            ' Convert Buffer to SHARE_INFO_2
            currentPtr = pBuffer
            pCurrent = CType(Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentPtr, GetType(SHARE_INFO_2)), SHARE_INFO_2)

            ' Set Values from pCurrent
            sReturnBasePath = pCurrent.shi2_path
            Select Case Result
            Case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED
                Throw New Exception("NetShareGetInfo: ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED -> The user has insufficient privilege for this operation.")
                Throw New Exception("NetShareGetInfo: ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY -> Not enough memory")
                Throw New Exception("NetShareGetInfo: ERROR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED -> Network access is denied.")
                Throw New Exception("NetShareGetInfo: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid parameter specified.")
            Case ERROR_BAD_NETPATH
                Throw New Exception("NetShareGetInfo: ERROR_BAD_NETPATH -> The network path was not found.")
            Case ERROR_INVALID_NAME
                Throw New Exception("NetShareGetInfo: ERROR_INVALID_NAME -> Invalid name")
            Case ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL
                Throw New Exception("NetShareGetInfo: ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL -> Invalid level parameter.")
            Case ERROR_MORE_DATA
                Throw New Exception("NetShareGetInfo: ERROR_MORE_DATA -> More data available, buffer too small.")
            Case NERR_NetNotStarted
                Throw New Exception("NetShareGetInfo: NERR_NetNotStarted -> Device driver not installed.")
            Case NERR_RemoteOnly
                Throw New Exception("NetShareGetInfo: NERR_RemoteOnly -> This operation can be performed only on a server.")
            Case NERR_ServerNotStarted
                Throw New Exception("NetShareGetInfo: NERR_ServerNotStarted -> Server service not installed.")
            Case NERR_BufTooSmall
                Throw New Exception("NetShareGetInfo: NERR_BufTooSmall -> Buffer too small for fixed-length data.")
            Case NERR_RemoteErr
                Throw New Exception("NetShareGetInfo: NERR_RemoteErr -> Error encountered while remotely executing function")
            Case NERR_WkstaNotStarted
                Throw New Exception("NetShareGetInfo: NERR_WkstaNotStarted -> The Workstation service is not started.")
            Case NERR_BadTransactConfig
                Throw New Exception("NetShareGetInfo: NERR_BadTransactConfig -> The server is not configured for this transaction;  IPC$ is not shared.")
            Case NERR_NetNameNotFound
                Throw New Exception("NetShareGetInfo: NERR_NetNameNotFound -> Sharename not found.")
            Case NERR_InvalidComputer
                Throw New Exception("NetShareGetInfo: NERR_InvalidComputer -> Invalid computername specified.")
            Case Else
                Throw New Exception("NetShareGetInfo: Unknown " & Result)
            End Select
        End If
        ' Free up buffer
        Result = NetApiBufferFree(pBuffer)

        Return sReturnBasePath
    End Function

#End Region ' "Methods"

*** C# Way to find whether the given Folder is Shared or Not?

[DllImport("Netapi32.dll", SetLastError=true)]

        public static extern int NetShareGetInfo(
            [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string serverName,
            [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string netName,
            Int32 level,
            out IntPtr bufPtr );

        [ StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential )]
            public struct SHARE_INFO_502
            public string shi502_netname;
            public uint shi502_type;
            public string shi502_remark;
            public Int32 shi502_permissions;
            public Int32 shi502_max_uses;
            public Int32 shi502_current_uses;
            public string shi502_path;
            public IntPtr shi502_passwd;
            public Int32 shi502_reserved;
            public IntPtr shi502_security_descriptor;

* Inside the Main function

IntPtr pBuffer = (IntPtr)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SHARE_INFO_502));

int Result = NetShareGetInfo("ArunGanesh", "public",502,out pBuffer);

The NetShareGetInfo function retrieves information about a particular shared resource on a server.

Check the output result "Result" with the following values to find whether the given folder is shared or not.

     Result  = 0&             ' No errors encountered.
     Result  = 0&    
     Result  = 5&             ' The user has insufficient privilege for this operation.
     Result  = 8&             ' Not enough memory
     Result  = 65&            ' Network access is denied.
     Result = 87&             ' Invalid parameter specified.
     Result  = 53&            ' The network path was not found.
     Result  = 123&               ' Invalid name
     Result  = 124&               ' Invalid level parameter.
     Result = 234&            ' More data available, buffer too small.
     Result = 2100&
     Result  = 2102&               '   Device driver not installed.
     Result  = 2106&                 '   This operation can be performed only on a server.
     Result = 2114&               '   Server service not installed.
     Result = 2123&                 '   Buffer too small for fixed-length data.
     Result = 2127&                '   Error encountered while remotely.  executing function
     Result = 2138&              '  The Workstation service is not started.
     Result = 2141&              '   The server is not configured for this transaction;  IPC$ is not shared.
     Result = 2310&              '  Sharename not found.
     Result = (Result  + 210)          '   Sharename not found.
     Result = 2351&              '   Invalid computername specified.

The following is a C# example; much the same as above. For questions comments feel free to mail


    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Text;

Sample Code:

C# Code

    class MainConsole
         [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]
        struct SHARE_INFO_2
            public string shi2_netname;
            public uint shi2_type;
            public string shi2_remark;
            public uint shi2_permissions;
            public uint shi2_max_uses;
            public uint shi2_current_uses;
            public string shi2_path;
            public string shi2_passwd;

        static string FormatMessage(int errCode)
            switch (errCode)
                case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: return "The user does not have access to the requested information.";
                case ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL: return "The value specified for the level parameter is invalid.";
                case ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: return "The specified parameter is invalid.";
                case ERROR_MORE_DATA: return "More entries are available. Specify a large enough buffer to receive all entries.";
                case ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: return "Insufficient memory is available.";
                case NERR_BufTooSmall: return "The supplied buffer is too small.";
                case NERR_NetNameNotFound: return "The share name does not exist.";

            return null;

        [DllImport("Netapi32", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]
        static extern int NetApiBufferFree(IntPtr Buffer);

        [DllImport("Netapi32", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]
        static extern int NetShareGetInfo([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string servername,
            [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string netname, int level, ref IntPtr bufptr);

        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the local path for the given server and share name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>serverName must start with \\</remarks>
        static string NetShareGetPath(string serverName, string netName)
            string path = null;
            IntPtr ptr = IntPtr.Zero;

            int errCode = NetShareGetInfo(serverName, netName, 2, ref ptr);
            if (errCode == NERR_Success)
                SHARE_INFO_2 shareInfo = (SHARE_INFO_2)
                    Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(SHARE_INFO_2));

                path = shareInfo.shi2_path;

            return path;

        /// <summary>
        /// The Main method is the entry point of the program, where the program control starts and
        /// ends.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static int Main(string [] args)
            Console.WriteLine("path=" + NetShareGetPath("\\\\remote_server", "share_name"));

            return 0;

        const int ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = 5;
        const int ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL = 124; // unimplemented level for info
        const int ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = 87;
        const int ERROR_MORE_DATA = 234;
        const int ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY = 8;
        const int NERR_BufTooSmall = 2123; // The API return buffer is too small.
        const int NERR_NetNameNotFound = 2310; // This shared resource does not exist.
        const int NERR_Success = 0;

    } // class MainConsole

Alternative Managed API:

Do you know one? Please contribute it!
