MQGetQueueSecurity (mqrt)
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The MQGetQueueSecurity function retrieves the access control security descriptor for the queue that you specify.

C# Signature:

[DllImport("mqrt.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public static extern uint MQGetQueueSecurity (
      string lpwcsFormatName
    , int SecurityInformation
    , IntPtr pSecurityDescriptor
    , int nLength
    , ref int lpnLengthNeeded

User-Defined Types:



MQGetQueueSecurity and MQSetQueueSecurity don't have a managed equivalent in the System.Messaging namespace. If you need to read or change the ACL on a queue to, for example, change the queue owner, you need to use P/Invoke to mqrt.dll.

Tips & Tricks:

Call MQGetQueueSecurity two times. The first time, set the nLength parameter to 0. The function then informs you of the size that you need for the security descriptor in lpnLengthNeeded.

Sample Code:

    class mqrt {

        public const int OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION = 0x1;
        public const int MQ_OK = 0x0;

        public const uint MQ_ERROR_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_TOO_SMALL = 0xC00E0023;

        //The MQGetQueueSecurity function retrieves the access control
        //security descriptor for the queue that you specify
        [DllImport("mqrt.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern uint MQGetQueueSecurity (
                  string lpwcsFormatName
                , int SecurityInformation
                , IntPtr pSecurityDescriptor
                , int nLength
                , ref int lpnLengthNeeded


        private bool getQueueOwnerNameFromMSMQ(string formatName, ref string owner) {
            byte[] securityDescriptor;
            int length;
            int lengthNeeded;
            uint result;

            //Call MQGetQueueSecurity two times. The first time, set the nLength
            //parameter to 0. The function then informs you of the size that you need for the
            //security descriptor in lpnLengthNeeded.
            result = mqrt.MQGetQueueSecurity(
                    , mqrt.OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION
                    , IntPtr.Zero
                    , 0
                    , ref lengthNeeded);

            if (mqrt.MQ_ERROR_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_TOO_SMALL == result) {
                //This is expected. Continue.
            } else {
                //Something else went wrong. Display error, and then exit.
                string message = "There was an error calling MQGetQueueSecurity."
                    + Environment.NewLine
                    + "Error Number:  " + result.ToString();
                string caption = "MQGetQueueSecurity Error";
                this.showError(message, caption);
                return false;

            //Now we know how big to make the security descriptor.
            length = lengthNeeded;
            securityDescriptor = new byte[length];

            //Get a pointer to the SD
            IntPtr lpSD = new IntPtr();
            GCHandle hSD = GCHandle.Alloc(securityDescriptor, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            lpSD = hSD.AddrOfPinnedObject();

            //Call MQGetQueueSecurity
            result = mqrt.MQGetQueueSecurity(
                    , mqrt.OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION
                    , lpSD
                    , length
                    , ref lengthNeeded);

            if (mqrt.MQ_OK != result) {
                //Something else went wrong. Display error, and then exit.
                string message = "There was an error calling MQGetQueueSecurity to read the SecurityDescriptor."
                    + Environment.NewLine
                    + "Error Number:  " + result.ToString();
                string caption = "MQGetQueueSecurity Error";
                this.showError(message, caption);
                return false;


            //Function call to break out the owner name from the SD
            //Left out as an exercise
            //owner = getSecurityDescriptorOwnerName(securityDescriptor);

            return true;

Alternative Managed API:

