GetCommandLine (kernel32)
Last changed: -


C# Signature:

[DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
private static extern System.IntPtr GetCommandLine();

User-Defined Types:



From MSDN's Buffers Sample

The original GetCommandLine function returns a pointer to a buffer allocated and owned by the operating system. When marshaling strings as return types, the interop marshaler assumes it must free the memory that the original LPTSTR type pointed to by the function. To prevent the marshaler from automatically reclaiming this memory, the managed GetCommandLine prototype returns an IntPtr type instead of a string. The Marshal.PtrToStringAuto method copies the unmanaged LPSTR type to a managed string object, widening the character format, if required.

Tips & Tricks:

Use this API function when you need access to raw command line string and not already parsed arguments in Main(string[] args)

Sample Code:

System.IntPtr ptr = GetCommandLine();

string commandLine = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(ptr);

Alternative Managed API:

