STAT_CHUNK (Structures)
Last changed: -

TODO - a short description

C# Definition:

struct STAT_CHUNK {
        /// <summary>
        /// The chunk identifier. Chunk identifiers must be unique for the
        /// current instance of the IFilter interface.
        /// Chunk identifiers must be in ascending order. The order in which
        /// chunks are numbered should correspond to the order in which they appear
        /// in the source document. Some search engines can take advantage of the
        /// proximity of chunks of various properties. If so, the order in which
        /// chunks with different properties are emitted will be important to the
        /// search engine.
        /// </summary>
        public int idChunk;

        /// <summary>
        /// The type of break that separates the previous chunk from the current
        ///  chunk. Values are from the CHUNK_BREAKTYPE enumeration.
        /// </summary>
        public CHUNK_BREAKTYPE breakType;

        /// <summary>
        /// Flags indicate whether this chunk contains a text-type or a
        /// value-type property.
        /// Flag values are taken from the CHUNKSTATE enumeration. If the CHUNK_TEXT flag is set,
        /// IFilter::GetText should be used to retrieve the contents of the chunk
        /// as a series of words.
        /// If the CHUNK_VALUE flag is set, IFilter::GetValue should be used to retrieve
        /// the value and treat it as a single property value. If the filter dictates that the same
        /// content be treated as both text and as a value, the chunk should be emitted twice in two      
        /// different chunks, each with one flag set.
        /// </summary>
        public CHUNKSTATE flags;

        /// <summary>
        /// The language and sublanguage associated with a chunk of text. Chunk locale is used
        /// by document indexers to perform proper word breaking of text. If the chunk is
        /// neither text-type nor a value-type with data type VT_LPWSTR, VT_LPSTR or VT_BSTR,
        /// this field is ignored.
        /// </summary>
        public int locale;

        /// <summary>
        /// The property to be applied to the chunk. If a filter requires that       the same text
        /// have more than one property, it needs to emit the text once for each       property
        /// in separate chunks.
        /// </summary>
        public FULLPROPSPEC attribute;

        /// <summary>
        /// The ID of the source of a chunk. The value of the idChunkSource     member depends on the nature of the chunk:
        /// If the chunk is a text-type property, the value of the idChunkSource       member must be the same as the value of the idChunk member.
        /// If the chunk is an public value-type property derived from textual       content, the value of the idChunkSource member is the chunk ID for the
        /// text-type chunk from which it is derived.
        /// If the filter attributes specify to return only public value-type
        /// properties, there is no content chunk from which to derive the current
        /// public value-type property. In this case, the value of the
        /// idChunkSource member must be set to zero, which is an invalid chunk.
        /// </summary>
        public int idChunkSource;

        /// <summary>
        /// The offset from which the source text for a derived chunk starts in
        /// the source chunk.
        /// </summary>
        public int cwcStartSource;

        /// <summary>
        /// The length in characters of the source text from which the current
        /// chunk was derived.
        /// A zero value signifies character-by-character correspondence between
        /// the source text and
        /// the derived text. A nonzero value means that no such direct
        /// correspondence exists
        /// </summary>
        public int cwcLenSource;

VB Definition:

#Region "STAT_CHUNK Structure Definition"

  '/// <summary>
  '/// The STAT_CHUNK structure describes the characteristics of a chunk.
  '/// </summary>
  <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> _
  Public Structure STAT_CHUNK
    '/// <summary>
    '/// The chunk identifier. Chunk identifiers must be unique for the current
    '/// instance of the IFilter interface. Chunk identifiers must be in
    '/// ascending order. The order in which chunks are numbered should
    '/// correspond to the order in which they appear in the source document.
    '/// Some search engines can take advantage of the proximity of chunks of
    '/// various properties. If so, the order in which chunks with different
    '/// properties are emitted will be important to the search engine.
    '/// </summary>
    Public idChunk As UInt32

    '/// <summary>
    '/// The type of break that separates the previous chunk from the current
    '/// chunk. Values are from the CHUNK_BREAKTYPE enumeration.
    '/// </summary>
    <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)> Public breakType As CHUNK_BREAKTYPE

    '/// <summary>
    '/// Flags indicate whether this chunk contains a text-type or a value-type
    '/// property. Flag values are taken from the CHUNKSTATE enumeration. If
    '/// the CHUNK_TEXT flag is set, IFilter::GetText should be used to retrieve
    '/// the contents of the chunk as a series of words. If the CHUNK_VALUE flag
    '/// is set, IFilter::GetValue should be used to retrieve the value and treat
    '/// it as a single property value. If the filter dictates that the same
    '/// content be treated as both text and as a value, the chunk should be
    '/// emitted twice in two different chunks, each with one flag set.
    '/// </summary>
    <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)> Public flags As CHUNKSTATE

    '/// <summary>
    '/// The language and sublanguage associated with a chunk of text. Chunk
    '/// locale is used by document indexers to perform proper word breaking of
    '/// text. If the chunk is neither text-type nor a value-type with data type
    '/// VT_LPWSTR, VT_LPSTR or VT_BSTR, this field is ignored.
    '/// </summary>
    Public locale As UInt32

    '/// <summary>
    '/// The property to be applied to the chunk. If a filter requires that the
    '/// same text have more than one property, it needs to emit the text once
    '/// for each property in separate chunks.
    '/// </summary>
    <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Struct)> Public attribute As FULLPROPSPEC

    '/// <summary>
    '/// The ID of the source of a chunk. The value of the idChunkSource member
    '/// depends on the nature of the chunk:
    '///   * If the chunk is a text-type property, the value of the idChunkSource
    '///     member must be the same as the value of the idChunk member.
    '///   * If the chunk is an internal value-type property derived from textual
    '///     content, the value of the idChunkSource member is the chunk ID for
    '///     the text-type chunk from which it is derived.
    '///   * If the filter attributes specify to return only internal value-type
    '///     properties, there is no content chunk from which to derive the
    '///     current internal value-type property. In this case, the value of the
    '///     idChunkSource member must be set to zero, which is an invalid chunk.
    '/// </summary>
    Public idChunkSource As UInt32

    '/// <summary>
    '/// The offset from which the source text for a derived chunk starts in the
    '/// source chunk.
    '/// </summary>
    Public cwcStartSource As UInt32

    '/// <summary>
    '/// The length in characters of the source text from which the current chunk
    '/// was derived. A zero value signifies character-by-character correspondence
    '/// between the source text and the derived text. A nonzero value means that
    '/// no such direct correspondence exists.
    '/// </summary>
    Public cwcLenSource As UInt32
  End Structure

#End Region

User-Defined Field Types:



