IShellBrowser (Interfaces)
Last changed: -

IShellBrowser is an interface exposed by Explorer, and lets an extension manipulate the Explorer window. IShellBrowser has methods to change the menu, toolbar, and status bar, as well as send generic messages to the controls in Explorer.

C# Definition:

    public interface IShellBrowser {
    void GetWindow(out IntPtr phwnd);
    void ContextSensitiveHelp(bool fEnterMode);

    void InsertMenusSB(IntPtr IntPtrShared, IntPtr lpMenuWidths);
    void SetMenuSB(IntPtr IntPtrShared, IntPtr holemenuRes,
               IntPtr IntPtrActiveObject);
    void RemoveMenusSB(IntPtr IntPtrShared);
    void SetStatusTextSB(IntPtr pszStatusText);
    void EnableModelessSB(bool fEnable);
    void TranslateAcceleratorSB(IntPtr pmsg, UInt16 wID);

    void BrowseObject(IntPtr pidl, UInt32 wFlags);
    void GetViewStateStream(UInt32 grfMode, IntPtr ppStrm);
    void GetControlWindow(UInt32 id, out IntPtr lpIntPtr);
    void SendControlMsg(UInt32 id, UInt32 uMsg, UInt32 wParam, UInt32 lParam, IntPtr pret);
    void QueryActiveShellView(ref IShellView ppshv);
    void OnViewWindowActive(IShellView ppshv);
    void SetToolbarItems(IntPtr lpButtons, UInt32 nButtons, UInt32 uFlags);

VB Definition:

<ComImport> _
<Guid("TODO")> _
'TODO: Insert <InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)> _ if this doesn't derive from IDispatch
Interface IShellBrowser
End Interface

User-Defined Types:



