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ftpcommand (wininet)
Sends commands directly to an FTP server.

C# Signature:

[DllImport("wininet.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError=true, ExactSpelling=true)]
public static extern bool FtpCommandA
(IntPtr hFtpSession,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool fExpectResponse,
int dwFlags,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VBByRefStr)] ref string lpszCommand,
IntPtr dwContext,
IntPtr phFtpCommand);

VB Signature:

Declare Function FtpCommandA Lib "wininet.dll" _
(ByVal hFtpSession As IntPtr, _
<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)> ByVal fExpectResponse As Boolean, _
ByVal dwFlags As Integer, _
ByVal lpszCommand As String, _
ByVal dwContext As IntPtr, _
ByVal phFtpCommand As IntPtr) As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)> Boolean

User-Defined Types:


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hConnect (in) A handle returned from a call to InternetConnect.

fExpectResponse (in) A Boolean value that indicates whether the application expects a data connection to be established by the FTP server. This must be set to TRUE if a data connection is expected, or FALSE otherwise.

dwFlags(in) A parameter that can be set to one of the following values.

Value Meaning
FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_ASCII Transfers the file using the FTP ASCII (Type A) transfer method. Control and formatting data is converted to local equivalents.
FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY Transfers the file using the FTP Image (Type I) transfer method. The file is transferred exactly with no changes. This is the default transfer method.

lpszCommand (in) A pointer to a string that contains the command to send to the FTP server.

dwContext (in) A pointer to a variable that contains an application-defined value used to identify the application context in callback operations.

phFtpCommand (out) A pointer to a handle that is created if a valid data socket is opened. The fExpectResponse parameter must be set to TRUE for phFtpCommand to be filled.

Return Values : Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE otherwise. To get a specific error message, call GetLastError.

Tips & Tricks:

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Sample Code:

Dim ret As Boolean = FTPCommandA(ConnectionHandle, False, 0, sCommand, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero)


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