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PROGDLG (Interfaces)

C# Definition:

public enum PROGDLG : uint //DWORD
    /// <summary>Normal progress dialog box behavior.</summary>
    Normal = 0x00000000,
    /// <summary>The progress dialog box will be modal to the window specified by hwndParent. By default, a progress dialog box is modeless.</summary>
    Modal = 0x00000001,
    /// <summary>Automatically estimate the remaining time and display the estimate on line 3. </summary>
    /// <remarks>If this flag is set, IProgressDialog::SetLine can be used only to display text on lines 1 and 2.</remarks>
    AutoTime = 0x00000002,
    /// <summary>Do not show the "time remaining" text.</summary>
    NoTime = 0x00000004,
    /// <summary>Do not display a minimize button on the dialog box's caption bar.</summary>
    NoMinimize = 0x00000008,
    /// <summary>Do not display a progress bar.</summary>
    /// <remarks>Typically, an application can quantitatively determine how much of the operation remains and periodically pass that value to IProgressDialog::SetProgress. The progress dialog box uses this information to update its progress bar. This flag is typically set when the calling application must wait for an operation to finish, but does not have any quantitative information it can use to update the dialog box.</remarks>
    NoProgressBar = 0x00000010

VB Definition:

<Flags()> _
Public Enum PROGDLG As UInteger
    ''' <summary>Normal progress dialog box behavior.</summary>
    Normal = &H0
    ''' <summary>The progress dialog box will be modal to the window specified by hwndParent. By default, a progress dialog box is modeless.</summary>
    Modal = &H1
    ''' <summary>Automatically estimate the remaining time and display the estimate on line 3. </summary>
    ''' <remarks>If this flag is set, IProgressDialog::SetLine can be used only to display text on lines 1 and 2.</remarks>
    AutoTime = &H2
    ''' <summary>Do not show the "time remaining" text.</summary>
    NoTime = &H4
    ''' <summary>Do not display a minimize button on the dialog box's caption bar.</summary>
    NoMinimize = &H8
    ''' <summary>Do not display a progress bar.</summary>
    ''' <remarks>Typically, an application can quantitatively determine how much of the operation remains and periodically pass that value to IProgressDialog::SetProgress. The progress dialog box uses this information to update its progress bar. This flag is typically set when the calling application must wait for an operation to finish, but does not have any quantitative information it can use to update the dialog box.</remarks>
    NoProgressBar = &H10
End Enum

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