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C# Definition:

    public enum SHCONTF : uint {
        SHCONTF_FOLDERS         = 0x0020,   // only want folders enumerated (SFGAO_FOLDER)
        SHCONTF_NONFOLDERS      = 0x0040,   // include non folders
        SHCONTF_INCLUDEHIDDEN       = 0x0080,   // show items normally hidden
        SHCONTF_INIT_ON_FIRST_NEXT  = 0x0100,   // allow EnumObject() to return before validating enum
        SHCONTF_NETPRINTERSRCH      = 0x0200,   // hint that client is looking for printers
        SHCONTF_SHAREABLE       = 0x0400,   // hint that client is looking sharable resources (remote shares)
        SHCONTF_STORAGE         = 0x0800,   // include all items with accessible storage and their ancestors

VB Definition:

  <Flags()> Public Enum SHCONTF
    SHCONTF_FOLDERS = &H20         ' only want folders enumerated (SFGAO_FOLDER)
    SHCONTF_NONFOLDERS = &H40      ' include non folders
    SHCONTF_INCLUDEHIDDEN = &H80       ' show items normally hidden
    SHCONTF_INIT_ON_FIRST_NEXT = &H100 ' allow EnumObject() to return before validating enum
    SHCONTF_NETPRINTERSRCH = &H200     ' hint that client is looking for printers
    SHCONTF_SHAREABLE = &H400      ' hint that client is looking sharable resources (remote shares)
    SHCONTF_STORAGE = &H800        ' include all items with accessible storage and their ancestors
  End Enum





#Region " SHCONTF"

    <Flags()> _
    Public Enum SHCONTF
        CHECKING_FOR_CHILDREN = &H10   '  Windows 7 and later.
        'The calling application is checking for the existence of child items in the folder.
        FOLDERS = &H20     '  Include items that are folders in the enumeration.
        NONFOLDERS = &H40    '  Include items that are not folders in the enumeration.
        INCLUDEHIDDEN = &H80   '  Include hidden items in the enumeration  
        '  This does not include hidden system items  
        '  (To include hidden system items, use INCLUDESUPERHIDDEN.)
        INIT_ON_FIRST_NEXT = &H100     '  . No longer used; always assumed  
        '  . IShellFolder::EnumObjects can return without validating the enumeration object  
        '  . Validation can be postponed until the first call to IEnumIDList::Next  
        '  . Use this flag when a user interface might be displayed prior to the first IEnumIDList::Next call  
        '  . For a user interface to be presented, hwnd must be set to a valid window handle.
        NETPRINTERSRCH = &H200     '  . The calling application is looking for printer objects.
        SHAREABLE = &H400    '  . The calling application is looking for resources that can be shared.
        STORAGE = &H800      '  . Include items with accessible storage and their ancestors, including hidden items.
        NAVIGATION_ENUM = &H1000   '  . Windows 7 and later   '  . Child folders should provide a navigation enumeration.
        FASTITEMS = &H2000     '  . Windows Vista and later   '  . The calling application is looking for resources that can be enumerated quickly.
        FLATLIST = &H4000    '  . Windows Vista and later   '  . Enumerate items as a simple list even if the folder itself is not structured in that way.
        ENABLE_ASYNC = &H8000    '  . Windows Vista and later   '  . The calling application is monitoring for change notifications   '  . This means that the enumerator does not have to return all results   '  . Items can be reported through change notifications.
        INCLUDESUPERHIDDEN = &H10000   '  . Windows 7 and later   '  . Include hidden system items in the enumeration  
        '  . This value does not include hidden non-system items  
        '  . (To include hidden non-system items, use INCLUDEHIDDEN.)
    End Enum

#End Region


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